some woodblock printing fun.

So I'm a week behind in my Japanese Woodblock Printing class, taught by Chris Creyts.  The class is really amazing, it's a great group of people...Chris is a great teacher and artist.  But the class.  It's so difficult. It is so labor intensive.  Not only is the carving process really difficult, but the printing is difficult as well.  
However, the carving process is really zen for me.  I've never done wood carving in any form before, so not only is it a learning experience, it's kind of enjoyable for me.  When you work on just sketching and drawing for so long, making something 3-D and tangible is a nice change.  

Anyway.  here is my first block, on that has been driving me nuts.  Probably because the lines are so thin-- my poor judgement.  I gave up on it for now because I chipped so many of the lines. 

The whole block

Artsy picture, gives a better idea of how deep I have to carve...

Close up to see where the lines chipped.  The left side and the ears. 

So I decided to start a bigger, easier block so at least I have something to print.  

The block
The original sketch.

I'm supposed to start on a 5-colour print.  Yeah, okay.  I'll figure something out. 

1 Response to "some woodblock printing fun."

Kate Drwecka Says:


You have a really nice eye when it comes to designing prints. I envy you.